NIP | : | 199511212023212037 |
Name | : | Tria Putri Noviasari, S.E., M.Sc. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 196610201990022001 |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Isti Fadah, M.Si., CRA., CMA. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Professor |
Research Interests | : | Financial Management |
ID Sinta | : | 5977264 |
ID Scopus | : | 57205390867 |
CV | : | |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 196107291986032001 |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Diah Yulisetiarini, Dra. M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Professor |
Research Interests | : | Creative Industry Business Management Study |
ID Sinta | : | 6009161 |
ID Scopus | : | 0000-0002-8395-0620 |
CV | : | |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 196004131986031002 |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Raden Andi Sularso, MSM. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Professor |
Research Interests | : | Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior |
ID Sinta | : | 54807 |
ID Scopus | : | 57200207010 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197501062000032001 |
Name | : | Dr. Purnamie Titisari, S.E., M.Si., QIA., CRA |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Strategic Human Resources Management |
ID Sinta | : | 6017260 |
ID Scopus | : | 57206731409 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197412122000122001 |
Name | : | Dr. Diana Sulianti K. Tobing, SE., M.Si., CRA., CMA. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Leadership and Strategic Human Resource Management |
ID Sinta | : | 5993787 |
ID Scopus | : | 57192804121 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196901142005011002 |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Sumani, S.E., M.Si., CRA. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Professor |
Research Interests | : | Financial Literacy, Capital Markets and Behavioral Finance |
ID Sinta | : | 6011391 |
ID Scopus | : | 58149318400 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 195910131988021001 |
Name | : | Dr. Imam Suroso, S.E., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Marketing Management |
ID Sinta | : | 6019372 |
ID Scopus | : | 57193443428 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 198012062005012001 |
Name | : | Dr. Novi Puspitasari, S.E., M.M |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Financial Management |
ID Sinta | : | 6010538 |
ID Scopus | : | 56974423700 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196010161987021001 |
Name | : | Drs. Agus Priyono, M.M. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Culture, Leadership and Organizational Behavior |
ID Sinta | : | 6786454 |
ID Scopus | : | 57216152991 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196103171988021001 |
Name | : | Dr. Bambang Irawan, M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Consumer Behavior and Online Marketing |
ID Sinta | : | 6030752 |
ID Scopus | : | 57208054793 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196901201993031002 |
Name | : | Hadi Paramu, S.E., MBA., Ph.D. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | |
ID Sinta | : | 6009553 |
ID Scopus | : | 57209173528 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196105301988021001 |
Name | : | Dr. Hari Sukarno, M.M., CRA., CSF. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | |
ID Sinta | : | 5997849 |
ID Scopus | : | 57205395654 |
NIP | : | 196212121992012001 |
Name | : | Dra. Sudarsih, M.Si |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Motivation, Leadeship and Organization Culture |
ID Sinta | : | 5988080 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197805252003122002 |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Ika Barokah Suryaningsih, S.E., M.M., CPIA., CHRM., CRP., QIA. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Professor |
Research Interests | : | Marketing Management, Tourims, Consumer Behavior, Strategic Management |
ID Sinta | : | 6011202 |
ID Scopus | : | 57210885970 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197405022000032001 |
Name | : | Dr.Sri Wahyu Lelly Hana Setyanti, S.E., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 196208021990021001 |
Name | : | Dr. Handriyono, M.Si |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 196609181992032002 |
Name | : | Dra. Susanti Prasetiyaningtiyas, M.Si |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 196604081991031001 |
Name | : | Drs. Sudaryanto, MBA, Ph.D., CMA. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Consumer Behavior, Digital Marketing and Creative Industry |
ID Sinta | : | 5997251 |
ID Scopus | : | 57205474482 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196106071987022001 |
Name | : | Dr. Nurhayati, M.M. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 196004041989021001 |
Name | : | Tatok Endhiarto, S.E., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Business Statistics, Microeconomics, and Business Forecasting |
ID Sinta | : | 6659134 |
ID Scopus | : | 57205495120 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196412281990022001 |
Name | : | Dr. Elok Sri Utami, M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 198204152023211015 |
Name | : | Dr. Arnis Budi Susanto, S.E, M.Si |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Sustainable Human Resource Management |
ID Sinta | : | 6042587 |
ID Scopus | : | 57514983300 |
CV | : | |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 197912212008122002 |
Name | : | Ema Desia Prajitiasari, S.E., M.M. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 198309122008122001 |
Name | : | Gusti Ayu Wulandari, S.E., M.M, |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Marketing Management, Tourism Management, Creative Industry, Consumer Behaviour |
ID Sinta | : | 6019754 |
ID Scopus | : | 57209176742 |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 196903061999031001 |
Name | : | Chairul Saleh, S.E., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 198002012005012001 |
Name | : | Ana Mufidah, S.E., M.M |
: | ||
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 197605082002122003 |
Name | : | Dr. Intan Nurul Awwaliyah S.E., M.Sc. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Asset pricing, investment management, financial literacy |
ID Sinta | : | 6009275 |
ID Scopus | : | 57202223148 |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 196702191992031001 |
Name | : | Drs. Eka Bambang Gusminto, M.M. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 196404041989021001 |
Name | : | Dr. Markus Apriono, MM. |
: |, | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 197309082000032001 |
Name | : | Dr. Deasy Wulandari, S.E., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 196903291993032001 |
Name | : | Dra. Dewi Prihatini, M.M., Ph.D. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Human Resource Management, Community Empowerment |
ID Sinta | : | 6010533 |
ID Scopus | : | 57207735728 |
CV | : | |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 196304021988021001 |
Name | : | Drs. Nyoman Gede Krishnabudi, M.Agb. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 196609041990021001 |
Name | : | Drs. Marmono Singgih, M.Si., AFA., CRA. |
: | dan | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 196311281989022001 |
Name | : | Dra. Lilik Farida, M.Si |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 196107101989021002 |
Name | : | Drs. Ketut Indraningrat, M.Si |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 199206212019032024 |
Name | : | Salma Fauziyyah, S.E., M.M. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 197912062015042001 |
Name | : | Fajar Destari, S.E, M.M. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 198601092015042002 |
Name | : | Cempaka Paramita, S.E, M.Sc. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 198609172015041001 |
Name | : | Kristian Suhartadi Widi Nugraha., S.E, M.M |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Retail, Tourism Marketing, Consumer Behaviour |
ID Sinta | : | 6070707 |
ID Scopus | : | 56958425200 |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 197311092000031002 |
Name | : | N. Ari Subagio, S.E., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 199301012024062002 |
Name | : | Elisabeth Fransiska Sibarani, S.E., M.SM. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 199104132024062001 |
Name | : | Vanya Pinkan Maridelana, SP.,MBA |
: | ||
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 199202162024062001 |
Name | : | Ra'iyatu Imadidin,M.Si. |
: | ||
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 199912282024062002 |
Name | : | Rizky Atika Salsabila Ivabianca Putri M.M. |
: | ||
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 199209252024061001 |
Name | : | Salahuddin Rijal Arifin S.EI. M.SM. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 198808192024212023 |
Name | : | Dr. Dwi Perwitasari Wiryaningtyas S.E., M.M. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Financial Management, Behavioral Finance |
ID Sinta | : | 6653707 |
NIP | : | 199103012022032008 |
Name | : | Almas Farah Dinna Dewi,S.E.,M.M |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Change Management |
ID Sinta | : | 6809407 |
NIP | : | 199102282019031022 |
Name | : | Abdul Muhsyi, S.Kom., MMSI. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Operating Management |
ID Sinta | : | 6777156 |
ID Scopus | : | 57813943300 |
CV | : | |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 197912272008121002 |
Name | : | Dr. Mochammad Farid Afandi, S.E., M.Si |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | |
ID Sinta | : | 6008909 |
ID Scopus | : | 57207884554 |
NIP | : | 199110182019032016 |
Name | : | Khanifatul Khusna, S.Sos., M.PSDM. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 199206172019032021 |
Name | : | Alif Mirzania, S.E., MBA. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Leadership and Organizational Behavior |
ID Sinta | : | 6777180 |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 198603112015041001 |
Name | : | Galih Wicaksono S.E.,M.Si.,Akt.,CA.,BKP |
: | ||
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Management |
NIP | : | 3509195603830004 |
Name | : | Linda Suci Wahyuni SS.,MA |
: | ||
Academic Level | : | Lecturer |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 3509300106820003 |
Name | : | Priyo Widodo S.Pd., M.Pd. |
: | ||
Academic Level | : | Lecturer |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 0 |
Name | : | Ilzam Mahfudurido S.Pd, M.Li |
: | ||
Academic Level | : | Lecturer |
Research Interests | : |