Accredited Excellent
The bachelor of Management study program received Excellent accreditation from LAMEMBA National Accreditation Board
Vision and mission

Becoming an excellent and globally competitive study program in management science with environmental perspective
International Standard Education
Organizing international standard education in the field of management and business with the Pancasila character, professional, adaptive and environmentally sound.
Developing research in research groups (KeRis) to support research in the field of management and business with an environmental perspective.
Community Services
Organizing community service based on research results in management and business.
Implementing a credible, transparent and accountable study program management.
Study Program Objectives
Excellent in the field of management and business with the Pancasila character and environmental insight.
Adaptive to the development of science and technology in the field of management and business.
Critical, creative, communicative and collaborative in decision making.
Active learning throughout life.