Vision and mission
Becoming an Excellent and Globally Competitive study program in international-level management science with an environmental orientation
International Standard Education
Organizing international standard education in the field of management and business with the Pancasila character, professional, adaptive and environmentally sound.
Community Services
Organizing community service based on research results in management and business.
News Release
Students are able to show a strong personality based on the values of Pancasila which are shown by believing in God, having social care, and love for the homeland
Students are able to conduct research according to logical and critical management and business sciences as well as to produce outputs that can be recognized nationally and internationally
Students are able to implement skills in maintaining and developing work networks, supervising, selfevaluating, and documenting data responsibly, independently, and honestly
Students are able to analyze problems in the field of management and environmentally friendly business
Students are able to interpret business problems through research according to the field of concentration in management science
Students are able to make strategic decisions in the field of management and business based on relevant information and data
Students are able to analyze concepts, theories, and practices in the field of management and business to support professionalism as a manager, entrepreneur, novice researcher, and environmentally friendly tutor/mentor/trainer/facilitator

Management FEB UNEJ Admission
Want to study at the Study Program Management Faculty of Economics and Business UNEJ ?
Get to know us and follow the registration to become part of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember.

Dr. Elok Sri Utami, M.Si.
Chair of Management Department
Dra. Lilik Farida, M.Si
Secretary of The Management Department
Prof. Dr. Sumani, S.E., M.Si., CRA.
Coordinator of Management Study ProgramContact Us
Gg. 5, Tegal Boto Lor, Sumbersari, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur
(0331) 337990