Greetings of friendship..... brothers & sisters, friends, university students, and fellow alumni of FEB/FE University of Jember... Let's take the time to attend the 2022 FEB UNEJ ALUMNI MEET INVITATION on October 23, 2022, from 06.00 to 13.00, to establish friendship silaturahmi for the progress of the alma mater. For those willing to attend, please fill out the registration at
The invitation from FEB was deliberately held on Sunday morning, hoping that the day before or the hour after, friends/brothers/brothers and sisters could independently make friends with fellow generations in FEB or Jember. Greetings Friendship, Always healthy...
Event agenda :
1. Morning gymnastics together
2. Healthy walk around the UNEJ Campus
3. Alumni Workshop
4, Family events (Entertainment and door prizes)
Salam persahabatan..... Kakak kakak, teman teman dan Adik adik sekalian sesama alumni FEB/FE Universitas Jember... Ayo kita sempatkan waktu untuk menghadiri Undangan TEMU ALUMNI FEB UNEJ 2022 pada tanggal 23 Oktober 2022 dari jam 06.00 sd 13.00, Demi menjalin silahtutahmi untuk kemajuan almamater. Bagi yang beesedia Hadir silahkan isi registrasi di
1. Senam pagi bersama
2. Jalan sehat keliling Kampus UNEJ
3. Sarasehan Alumni
4, Acara kekeluargaan (Hiburan dan doorprize)