Jurusan ManajemenS1 Manajemen |
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POSTING - 05 Agustus 2022 |
Academic Manuscript for the CurriculumĀ of the S1 Management Study Program 2022![]() We thank God Almighty because with His permission and will, The Academic Manuscript for the Curriculum of the Bachelor of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember, for the 2021/2022 Academic Year can be completed. This manuscript was completed after going through a long process. The preparation begins with tracer studies, focus group discussions (FGD) with alums, partners, users, and other stakeholders, and participating in curriculum construction activities with curriculum experts. Furthermore, with complete dedication, the team and all PSM FEB UNEJ lecturers completed this draft curriculum equipped with adapted learning tools. The 2021 curriculum text has changed to the CPL Prodi content based on the results of the curriculum implementation evaluation until 2021. This curriculum manuscript has been revised according to input from external reviewers. This curriculum document also contains the MBKM (Freedom for Independent Learning Campus) policy, a new Indonesian Education innovation. This curriculum revision will increase the competitiveness of PSM FEB UNEJ graduates and contribute to the progress of the University of Jember. The Drafting Team would like to thank those who have provided input and ideas in preparing this guidebook. May this book will be helpful for everyone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------